Our Services

All Singapore companies must keep proper books and records, accountable to ACRA and IRAS. As you focus on your business, Majer Business Services accounting professionals with the requisite experience, knowledge and skills are on hand to assist you with your company’s accounts, tax and payroll matters.

Filing of Form C / Form C-S / Form C-S (Lite)

Corporate Income Tax Filing is due on every 30 November, based on the profit derived by the company on a preceding calendar year basis. In layman terms, you only submit your tax filing the following year after your accounting year end in the current year.

The company will be eligible to file for Form C-S / Form C-S (Lite) if it meets all the qualifying conditions as follows:
  • The company must be incorporated in Singapore
  • The company must have an annual revenue of S$5 million or below
  • The company only derives income taxable at the prevailing corporate tax rate of 17%
  • Company is not claiming any of the following in the YA:
    1. Carry back of Current Capital Allowances / Losses
    2. Group Relief
    3. Investment Allowance
    4. Foreign Tax Credit and Tax Deducted at Source
Our tax services package comprises:
  • Filing of Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) within 3 months after your accounting year has ended.
  • Preparation and Computation of Corporate Tax
  • Preparation of Tax Schedules
  • Preparation of Additional Tax Schedules
  • Submission of Tax Filing to IRAS within deadline

Registration of Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Goods & Services Tax (GST) is a broad based consumption tax levied on the importation of goods, as well as nearly all supplies of goods and services in Singapore. GST is also known as Valued Added Tax (VAT) in some countries.

Do I need to register for GST?

You will be liable for mandatory GST registration if:

  • Your taxable turnover at the end of the calendar quarter (i.e. end of March, June, September or December) and the past three quarters is more than S$1 million.
  • You reasonably expect your taxable turnover in the next 12 months to be more than S$1 million (e.g agreement contract value). You should monitor continuously if you have reasons to believe that your taxable supplies will be more than S$1 million in the next 12 months.

You can choose to apply for exemption from registration, if you are liable for GST registration but your taxable turnover is wholly or mainly zero-rated supplies.


Voluntary Registration for GST
  • We can assist you in registering your company for GST.

Even if you are not liable for GST registration, you may still choose to do so voluntarily after taken into consideration of all factors.

A business may choose to voluntary register for GST if the business satisfies any of the following:

  • Taxable supplies are made by the business
  • The business makes only out of scope supplies, which means that sales of goods did not enter Singapore or goods in transit
  • The business make financial services exempt supplies that are also international services

If you have not started making any supplies but have the intention to make any of the above supplies, you may also be allowed to register voluntarily.

However, if you do not have firm intentions and plans to make any of the above supplies, you are advised not to register for GST.

Requirements for Voluntary Registration of GST

Company Director / Sole Proprietor / Partner must complete two e-learning courses and pass the quiz before they can submit the registration form to IRAS. This is to ensure that the business owner have a good understanding of the obligations and responsibilities of a GST- registered business.

The two e-learning courses are:

These e-learning courses are not required if:
  • The director / sole proprietor / partner of the business has the experience of managing other existing GST registered business; or
  • The person who prepares your GST returns is an Accredited Tax Advisers (ATA) or Accredited Tax Practitioners (ATP) registered with Singapore Institute of Accredited Tax Professionals (SIATP); or
  • The person who prepares your GST returns has completed both e-learning courses within the last two years.

You should also sign up for GIRO on the payment and/or refund of GST and also provide the security deposit as may be imposed by the Comptroller of GST on a case to case basis.

After the registration, you are required to use GIRO for the payment and/or refund of GST and fully comply with the responsibilities of a GST – registered business.

You should also remain GST – registered for at least two years and make taxable supplies within two years if you have not started making any taxable supplies at the point of application.


e-file GST returns and Pay taxes due

All GST returns must be submitted via e-filing within one month from the end of each accounting period.

Even there is no transaction, you are still required to submit a “NIL” return.

We are able to assist you in computing and submitting your GST Returns (Form F5) on a bi-annually or quarterly basis.

So hurry and contact us now!

Corporate, Preparation, Computation, and Registration of Goods and Services Tax in Singapore