Company Director / Sole Proprietor / Partner must complete two e-learning courses and pass the quiz before they can submit the registration form to IRAS. This is to ensure that the business owner have a good understanding of the obligations and responsibilities of a GST- registered business.
- The director / sole proprietor / partner of the business has the experience of managing other existing GST registered business; or
- The person who prepares your GST returns is an Accredited Tax Advisers (ATA) or Accredited Tax Practitioners (ATP) registered with Singapore Institute of Accredited Tax Professionals (SIATP); or
- The person who prepares your GST returns has completed both e-learning courses within the last two years.
You should also sign up for GIRO on the payment and/or refund of GST and also provide the security deposit as may be imposed by the Comptroller of GST on a case to case basis.
After the registration, you are required to use GIRO for the payment and/or refund of GST and fully comply with the responsibilities of a GST – registered business.
You should also remain GST – registered for at least two years and make taxable supplies within two years if you have not started making any taxable supplies at the point of application.
e-file GST returns and Pay taxes due
All GST returns must be submitted via e-filing within one month from the end of each accounting period.
Even there is no transaction, you are still required to submit a “NIL” return.
We are able to assist you in computing and submitting your GST Returns (Form F5) on a bi-annually or quarterly basis.
So hurry and contact us now!